Cats, Birds and Chairs 2

Good Morning….I finally made a post on Draw a Bird Day, by accident.

I’ve illustrated another in my series of Cats, Birds and Chairs. These two characters look as though they are going to be causing some mischief very soon. The bird ( who is the ring leader) is saying, “Just look straight ahead, act normal, they will be leaving soon.”

Have a great weekend.

Brown Pen, Kuretake Zig watercolor pens, background added in Photoshop

Fiber art

Good Morning….In past years, I spent many hours creating fiber art. Now, my hands get tired making all of the little stitches. Below are a few small samples of creations I’ve made.



I love making mosaics using random watercolor squares. Here are a couple from my Saturday art making. #worldwatercolormonth

Happy Sunday!

Size: 5″ x 6.5″ watercolor and watercolor pencils
mosaic squares are 1″ x 1″

Size:  6″ x 9″ watercolor,  mosaic squares 1″ x 1″.

The sky was patted dry with a paper towel and an added bonus the paper texture was left in the paint.